Once Upon a Time; Winter finale Review

The Winter finale of Once Upon a Time (Wish you were here), aired on Sunday in America. And I love the show so much, I always find a way to view each episode early - before it arrives to Netflix UK on Wednesday. (If your an English fan, and have not seen the episode, look away now!)

Once Upon a Time is such a magical and imaginative show. I first became aware of the series after I found it on Netflix about a year ago. It was so intriguing, I whizzed through all five seasons. My favourite character?
Lana Parrilla's, Regina.

I don't know why I always love the most aggressive or morally-challenged character that a show can offer. I guess I just love the fact that if you really want to, a person can change for the better... I love seeing violent and horrible characters - including villains - redeem themselves on screen. And the Evil Queen is no exception. She has progressed so quickly and positively during her past seasons, that I can't help but feel proud of this character. Regina really is the best, redeemed character in the series. There was a time when I thought Rumplestiltskin would follow in her 'heeled-boots,' but this is unfortunately yet to pass.

This winter finale, however, has passed.
The episode is climatic, dramatic, sad, and contained a lot of 'OMG!' moments.

For starters, Emma's return to the Enchanted forest on the request of the Evil Queen (who has the lamp and Genie Aladdin), was frustrating. Princess Emma was infuriatingly weak in this 'false' reality and nothing like the Saviour Emma that we know and love in Storybrooke. I expected King Charming and Queen Snow to at least have raised a strong and brave daughter - whether she was the Saviour or not. Especially considering that Charming and Snow are strong and brave characters themselves. I was surprisingly disappointed by Emma's weakness and vulnerability. She didn't even have the guts to rescue her older parents from Regina (posing as the Evil Queen). Emma's lack of strength and bravery got me thinking - she was either strong and brave because being the Saviour made her so or she has such a strong character because her tough childhood mean't that she had to be. All the same, I felt that the creators of the show (Adam and Eddie), had created an interesting storyline. I was somewhat glad that it was neither Charming or Snow that made Emma a fighter. So the fact that non-Saviour Emma was so weak and fearful, was pain-steakingly ridiculous and taught the viewers one thing; we shape and mould ourselves into who we want to be.

Regina, however, was much stronger in this episode. She unwillingly posed as the Evil Queen (as persuaded by a caged Rumple), and welcomed back the darkness into her heart to save a pitiful Emma.
(Lana Parrilla is so talented when playing the Evil Queen and Regina. She amazingly plays two separate entities of herself aswell as plays against herself. Lana really does deserve all the awards).
Regina tried to persuade Emma to fight her, rescue her parents and to become the person she really is - the Saviour. And when this failed, Regina killed Emma's parents with the squeeze of their hearts. I felt that this was unesscesary (even though Charming and Snow weren't technically real). However, I like how the one thing that 'awoke' Emma from her ridiculous 'dream,' was Regina's inability to defend herself against a knighted Henry. It's Emma's own strength and will that bought her back to herself - Regina's cruelty uneeded. I loved how this teaches viewers that no matter what, we'll always find our way back to our true selves.
This is another reason why I love the show so much. It constantly teaches the viewers hope and morals that should never be forgotten. The show is so genuine and sincere, and always has a reason or teaching behind each scene, and it's really important to self-discovery.

Talking about discovery - during the closing scenes, the surprising arrival of Robin Hood really tugged at my 'heart-strings.'
Although this Robin is unreal, Regina and Emma still missed their return trip home to Storybrooke when the portal closed. I felt relief and sadness for Regina when this scene played out. Not only was Robin back - this was not the Robin that Regina knew. Those moments of love, sacrifice, and heartache that they had both shared is gone... And now Regina has been left with this empty person, who only wears the face of her beloved Robin. (This was cruel - especially for Adam and Eddie.)
I found myself really shouting at Regina during this scene; "Leave him!", "He's not real!", "The portal is going to close!"
I don't know why I felt so frustrated with Regina, during what is supposed to be such a heart-felt reunion. Sure, the scene made my heart hammer alittle faster, but I was more worried about the portal closing than happy with Robin's return.

However, the return of Gideon really did get my heart-pumping and my fists, balling. I can't believe that it was Rumple's own Mother - the Black Fairy - who attacked poor Blue and kidnapped her own Grandson. I was shocked to see this dark and hooded Gideon had been turned into a monster and is the very person who is destined to kill Emma Swan.
I hate that this has happened to sweet Belle - her attempt to save her son, has only ruined him. Even Rumple wouldn't do such a thing to his child.
The Black Fairy really is a cold-hearted bitch and I wonder what happened to her that made her so twisted and evil; abandoning her own son, kidnapping children and darkening her Grandson. And with this I wonder why this grown man is destined to battle Emma Swan? Why does the Black Fairy feel so threatened by her, that she had to groom her own Grandson into murdering the Saviour?

This episode really did get me asking question after question, and it was so ridiculous and infuriating that it was almost laughable!

I guess we'll just have to wait till March, until we get answers. In the mean time, Regina and Emma remain trapped in the Enchanted forest with Robin Hood and back in Storybrooke, Charming and Snow remain cursed, Gideon's purpose is to battle Emma Swan, and the Evil Queen remains a snake (quite literally!) Storybrooke has never been such a 'jigsaw' of emotions...
I can't wait to see where the next episode will take us...


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